Thursday, March 27, 2008

Qualcomm Repute Had Been Violated By Legal Losses

Qualcomm was drowned by the issue of e-discovery misbehavior which had an impact on client, though it is a base line to E-discovery. The U.S district court of California issued a warning to the entire corporate litigant’s regarding the electronically stored documents and E-mails in the recent issues of Qualcomm faulty.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

School Districts Wrestling with ABCs of E-Discovery, Compliance

School districts face a mandate to keep electronic information accessible for e-discovery and public records searches. But for many public schools, confusion about the legal requirements and a lack of funding present roadblocks to data compliance.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is Your Data Wide Open to Your Opponent?

Information technology departments of sophisticated organizations are already aware that each party to a litigation in the United States is obligated to collect its own discoverable electronic information to be produced to the opposing party.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Every Click You Make, Your Boss Is Watching You

Employees who regularly use company computers to surf the Web, sign on to business accounts for personal e-mail, make calls from company phones or use the corporate car to run errands run the risk of losing their jobs, according to a new survey released by The ePolicy Institute and the American Management Association (AMA).

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