PASADENA, Calif., Aug 31, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Guidance Software, Inc. /quotes/comstock/15*!guid/quotes/nls/guid (GUID 5.02, +0.08, +1.62%) today delivered a new unified e-discovery software platform that provides legal and information technology (IT) teams with an in-house electronic discovery system that enables better case decisions, faster, while reducing risk and lowering costs.
Guidance Software's EnCase(R) eDiscovery version 4 provides a single, unified solution that addresses all of the stages of the electronic discovery process that organizations want to bring in house. With EnCase eDiscovery, risk and costs are lower because organizations don't have to spend time or money trying to integrate incompatible point solutions for each step in the e-discovery process, or transfer data between, and train users on, disparate systems.
EnCase eDiscovery also offers the industry's first "true early case assessment" by allowing legal teams to analyze and review data at any stage of the electronic discovery process, enabling better case strategy decisions to be made faster.
Understanding the Data Universe Drives Better Case Strategy Decisions
EnCase eDiscovery enables enterprises to understand what their data universe looks like, who has what data and how much they have -- all available early, before collection and processing of data occurs. Users can quickly identify relevant data sources, get metrics on total data versus potentially relevant data, and understand how much data could be eliminated, which provides a solid understanding of the case's potential costs, keywords and custodians.
With this unique capability, corporate attorneys can test search criteria before electronically stored information (ESI) is collected, and customers can determine how to negotiate search terms, date and time criteria and file types before they meet-and-confer with opposing counsel. Through this optimized process, enterprises gain clear advantages with assessment before collection -- unlike other solutions that first need to have collection and processing complete before any analysis can be conducted.
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