Tuesday, May 20, 2008

But the eDiscovery Costs!

As a records manager, I have no problem with keeping email with valuable content as long as it is useful, but way keep a decade plus of all that other "stuff" that has no value? When litigation comes (and it will come) someone will have to sort through all of it when and search tools are only of limited use. Besides, while storage itself may be "cheap" (debatable), the cost of supporting that storage is not. At 25+ terabytes and counting, I know that many of my legal department colleagues and I are looking forward to some serious deletion.

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1 comment:

Benjamin Wright said...

E-discovery reflects the natural collision of technology and legal practice. As an enterprise creates an ever-growing mountain of records, adversaries of course want access to it. Knowing that litigation and e-discovery are inevitable, an enterprise can use technology proactively to make records more benign. What do you think? --Ben http://hack-igations.blogspot.com/2008/05/nix-smoking-gun-e-discovery.html